Indicators for TradingView
You can view the full list of the indicators we have available for TradingView here.Until April 30, 2020 if you purchase any two (or more) TradingView indicators you will receive an automatic 15% discount at checkout. Note: This discount applies to all TradingView indicators except HPC Lite for TradingView. See below for more information on that specific product.
HPC Lite for TradingView
We also recently released our HPC Lite for TradingView product. It is available for a one-time cost which includes all future updates, as well as access to Scott Carney's Harmonic Pattern Course, plus a few other goodies.For more information on our HPC Lite product, please visit the landing page.
If you are interested in purchasing a license, use code HPCTV10 at checkout for a 10% discount. This offer will be active through April 30, 2020.
Lastly, all of our eSignal indicators and systems are available for a 20% discount until April 30, 2020. Use code SPRING2020 at checkout.You can view all of our products for eSignal on our Products page.
In addition, subscribe to our mailing list using the form at the bottom of our Contacts page and receive a one-time 20% discount code that you can use towards the purchase of any non-subscription product in our catalog.
Divergence Software, Inc.
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